Yesterday we were delighted to celebrate our 100th Dementia Cafe, having had our first meeting in March 2011. We celebrated with 'bubbles' and a fantastic cake, and Harborough FM (thanks Chris Jones and Owen Brooks) come along once again to play music, run a bingo session and conduct our Royal Ascot Week themed quiz.
We owe a huge vote of thanks to our team of volunteers who work so hard to run our events, and to everyone who raises money to support us - without their efforts we could not provide our members with the activities which they enjoy so much.
We were delighted to welcome Amy and Lois from The Fabulous Group who spoke about their fantastic fundraising efforts on our behalf (see our post of 6 June for more details).

Also Michael Thomas, President of Harborough Twenty 12 Lions Club, described the Lions' 'Message in a Bottle' scheme which is a simple but effective way for people to keep their basic personal and medical details where they can be found in an emergency on a standard form and in a common location – the fridge.